To help you stay prepared for human-made and natural catastrophes, Alec Deacon has come up with a comprehensive guide known as Darkest Days. That’s why you need to be prepared by equipping yourself with survival skills that will keep you and your loved safe. Of course, after attacks, food scarcity, water shortage, suffering, and lack of access to adequate medical care are some of the critical things you can expect to hit us next. Besides, NASA has continued to warn about an impending EMP attack and no one seem to be taking these things seriously. This is indeed the reason experts have been recommending that everyone prepare for the aftermath of any attacks that may hit our beloved country and the universe at large. Most keep fighting individuals who don’t abide by their religious beliefs and views with the major target now being the western countries. Terrorist groups have continuously caused a lot of commotions in many parts of the world and are responsible for numerous dreadful crimes against humanity. For example, consider threats by Russia to the US or even worse, those from major terrorist groups such as ISIS. Every day we receive frightening news of threats that come steaming from different directions.